Valentine’s Day!

It’s Valentine’s Day!
Che programmi avete per la serata più romantica dell’anno? Siete tutti lì, alle prese con scatole di cioccolatini, pacchetti, fiori, cuoricini e chi più ne ha più metta o per voi San Valentino è solo un giorno come un altro?
Sentiamo insieme cosa pensano della festa degli innamorati i londinesi intervistati per questo video da BBC Learning English.

BBC Learning English asked people in London how they feel about Valentine’s Day and this is what they answered.

What does Valentine’s Day mean to them?
– nothing special, it’s like any other day
– nothing, basically, it’s a load of nonsense
– just an opportunity to celebrate being in a partnership and to show someone that you appreciate them

What do they do on Valentine’s Day?
– go out for dinner
– have a movie night in and watch some kind of romcom

Do they exchange gifts?
– chocolates or flowers
– a Valentine’s card
– flowers, jewellery

Let’s take the opportunity to look at some interesting words and expressions used in the video:
– a load of = a lot of = a great quantity of (informal)
– nonsense = matter of little or no importance or use
– a movie night in = a night at home watching a film
– romcom = romantic comedy = a film or television programme about love (informal)
– missus = one’s wife or girlfriend (informal)

And here is a useful phrasal verb:
– (to) end up = (to) finally be or do something
Es. I end up cooking

And last but not least, here is an idiom:
– (to) go for someone or something = (to) go out for someone or something
Es. I normally go for a meal to a local restaurant

E per quelli di voi che sono alla ricerca di un Valentino/ una Valentina con cui festeggiare, non perdetevi il post Speed Dating! Non si sa mai!
Happy Valentine’s Day, j

Janet L. Dubbini

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