Easter Recipe -Hot Cross Buns

Oggi prepariamo gli hot cross buns, un tradizionale dolce pasquale inglese tipico proprio del Venerdì Santo, Good Friday.

Ricordo come fosse ieri quando, da bambina, la mattina del venerdì di Pasqua facevo appena in tempo a scendere dal letto che, con i pantaloni del pigiama arrotolati alle ginocchia e il cappotto, mia madre mi mandava di corsa dal fornaio a prendere gli hot cross buns appena sfornati!

È vero, il procedimento non è dei più veloci, ma queste pagnottelle dolci speziate sono deliziose!

Vediamo cosa ci occorre per prepararle:

1 large mixing bowl = 1 terrina grande
1 mixer = un robot da cucina
2 pans = 2 pentolini
cling film = pellicola trasparente
1 baking tray = 1 teglia da forno
baking sheet = carta da forno
1 icing bag = 1 sac à poche

Gli ingredienti (per 12 hot cross buns):

500g strong white flour = 500g farina 00
75g caster sugar = 75g zucchero semolato
2 teaspoons (tsp) mixed spice powder = 2 cucchiaini di spezie miste in polvere
1 teaspoon (tsp) ground cinnamon = 1 cucchiaino di canella in polvere
1 lemon, grated zest only = 1 limone, solo la buccia grattugiata
10g salt = 10g sale
10g fast-action dried yeast = 10g lievito secco ad azione rapida
40g butter = 40g burro
300ml milk = 300ml latte
1 free-range egg = 1 uovo di gallina allevata all’aperto
200g sultanas = 200g uva sultanina
50g mixed peel = 50g scorzette candite
oil, for greasing = olio, per ungere la teglia

Per la decorazione:

100ml water = 100ml acqua
75g plain flour = 75g farina
2 tablespoons (tbsp) golden syrup = 2 cucchiai da cucina di melassa

E passiamo ora al procedimento:

Put the flour, sugar, spices and lemon zest into the large bowl and mix everything together. Add the salt and yeast, placing them on opposite sides of the bowl if you want the dough to rise well.
For a lovely flavour, add the zest of a lemon.

Melt the butter in a pan, warm the milk in a separate pan and beat the egg.
Add the butter, the warm milk and the beaten egg to the dry ingredients and work it all together.
Turn the dough out on to a lightly floured work surface. Add the sultanas and mixed peel. Lightly knead and put everything back in the mixer and mix until the dough is elastic.

Oil a bowl, place the dough in it, cover with cling film and leave to rest in a warm place for about 1½ hours.
Give the dough a quick knead, then put it back in the bowl and cover with cling film for a second rising.
Turn the dough out on to a floured surface and divide into 12 balls. Line 1-2 baking trays with baking sheet and place the balls on the tray, fairly close together.
Slip the trays into a large clean polythene bag, making sure the bag doesn’t touch the buns, and leave for about 1 hour.
Preheat the oven to 220C.

For the topping, add the flour to a bowl with 100ml water and mix together to make a paste. Spoon the paste into the icing bag.

When the buns have risen, remove the polythene bags and pipe a cross on the top of each bun. Put the buns into the oven and bake for 15-20 minutes until pale golden-brown.
Melt the golden syrup in a pan and brush the buns with a little syrup to give a nice shine while they are still warm.

Se volete un consiglio, gli hot cross buns sono irresistibili serviti caldi, magari tostati, con un velo di burro… Happy Easter! S

Sally Anne Webb

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