A new flatmate

Ne abbiamo imparate di cose nel corso dei nostri post di English for Beginners! Oggi faremo un po’ il punto grazie a questo video tratto da New Headway Video- Beginner, Oxford University Press, e lo faremo aiutando Helen, Matt e David nella ricerca di un nuovo coinquilino: a new flatmate.

“Helen: This is my house. It’s not big and it’s not small. But I like it. Three people live here. This is Matt.
Matt: Hi. I’m Matt.
Helen: This is David.
David: Hello. My name’s David.
Helen: And that’s me. Hi. Helen. Pleased to meet you. So, there are three people. But there are four bedrooms. So today is interview day.
David: What’s your job?
Alan: I’m a jazz musician.
Matt: Really? What do you play?
Alan: The drums.
Sarah: But he’s very quiet… and friendly. No dogs?
Matt: Sorry.
Philip: £150 a month? Great!
David: Er… No.
Helen: £150 a week. Sorry.
Helen: Where are you from?
Anne: Edinburgh. But my job’s in Oxford.
Helen: Good.
Anne: This is a nice house.
Helen: Thanks. We’re happy here. OK? OK. Anne …
Anne: Cigarette?
Helen: I don’t smoke. We don’t smoke, do we?
Matt: Er… No.
David: We don’t smoke!
Anne: Oh.
Helen: Sorry.
Helen: This is terrible.
Matt: Who’s next?
David: Her name’s Jane. She’s number eight. She’s the last.
David: So, Jane, tell us about yourself.
Jane: Tell you what?
Matt: Anything.
Jane: I’m from Brighton. I’m a drama teacher. I don’t smoke. I like films, good food.
Helen: Good food?
Jane: Yeah. Italian. French. Chinese.
Matt: Do you cook?
Jane: Yes. I’m a very good cook.
David: Do you have a dog?
Jane: No.
Matt: A cat?
Jane: No.
Helen: No animals?
Matt: Do you play the drums?
Jane: No.
David: Trombone, violin, saxophone?
Jane: Nothing.
Helen: That’s great, Jane. It’s your room.
Jane: Fantastic!
David: When can you move in?
Jane: Next week?
Matt: This week?
David: Tomorrow?
Jane: Sure.
Helen: Welcome to 53 Blackwood Road.
Jane: Thank you. Thanks a lot.
Helen: So now there are four of us.

Diamo un’occhiata alle espressioni nuove del video:

– pleased to meet you = piacere di conoscerti/la
– what’s your job? = what do you do? = che lavoro fai?
– sorry = mi spiace
– where are you from? = da dove vieni?
– who’s next? = chi è il prossimo?
– tell us about yourself = parlaci di te
– do you have a dog? = have you got a dog? = hai un cane?
– welcome = benvenuto
– thanks a lot = molte grazie

E ai nuovi vocaboli:

gli aggettivi

– friendly = socievole
– great = grandioso
– last = ultimo
– quiet = silenzioso

i verbi

– (to) cook = cucinare
– (to) move in = trasferirsi in una nuova casa
– (to) play = in questo caso, suonare
– (to) smoke = fumare
– (to) tell = raccontare

gli strumenti musicali

– drums = batteria
– saxophone = sassofono
– trombone = trombone
– violin = violino

i mestieri

– cook = cuoco
– drama teacher = insegnante di teatro
– jazz musician = musicista jazz

le espressioni di tempo

– a month = al mese
– a week = a settimana
– next week = la settimana prossima
– today = oggi
– tomorrow = domani

gli avverbi

– here = qui
– really = davvero
– sure = certamente

E per finire:

– anything = qualunque cosa
– interview = colloquio
– nothing = niente

Ah, per chi non lo sapesse, £ è il simbolo della sterlina, in inglese pound.

Vivere sotto lo stesso tetto non è sempre facile. Abbiamo tutti abitudini ed esigenze diverse. Quali caratteristiche deve avere il vostro flatmate ideale? Bye for now, j

Janet L. Dubbini

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